Tuesday 18 June 2019

Email communication to EuroCVD-BalticALD poster coauthors, 2

The message below was sent to 76 co-authors.  

From: Puurunen Riikka <...>
Sent: tiistai 18. kesäkuuta 2019 14.08
To: info@ ...vph-ald.com
Subject: Updated version of VPHA EuroCVD-BalticALD poster

Dear EuroCVD-BalticALD co-authors,

The poster has been updated with several missing theses (also some from Japan!), removing several duplicate theses, adding missing translated titles, correcting many typos of all sorts, updating the figures, and re-ordering the thesis list (year + alphabetical).

Friday 14 June 2019

Email communication to EuroCVD-BalticALD poster coauthors

Email communication related to the poster at https://www.eurocvd-balticald2019.lu/sent to 76 co-authors.

From: Puurunen Riikka < ...>
Sent: perjantai 14. kesäkuuta 2019 19.33
To: info ... vph-ald.com
Subject: VPHA EuroCVD-BalticALD poster DRAFT for commenting / DL 17.6., please

Dear EuroCVD-BalticALD co-authors,

A draft of the VPHA poster to the EuroCVD-BalticALD conference (https://www.eurocvd-balticald2019.lu/) is finally ready for viewing and commenting to all - please find a pdf attached. (My apologies that the poster draft comes so late – just on time, still, I believe.) Abstract related to this poster can be viewed in: http://vph-ald.com/VPHApublications/VPHA_poster-abstract_EuroCVDbalticALD-2019.pdf

Available: VPHA abstract for EuroCVD-BalticALD 2019

The abstract of the VPHA poster for the EuroCVD-BalticALD conference in Luxembourg (https://www.eurocvd-balticald2019.lu/) has just been made available via the VPHA website. Title: "Overview of doctoral theses on Atomic Layer Deposition collected in the Virtual Project on the History of ALD". You can access the abstract here: http://vph-ald.com/VPHApublications/VPHA_poster-abstract_EuroCVDbalticALD-2019.pdf.