Tuesday 29 January 2019

VPHA brief communication / Baltic ALD poster abstract, final check

The message below was sent to 78 VPHA contributors.

From: Puurunen Riikka <...> 
Sent: 29. tammikuuta 2019 20:33
To: info@ ...
Cc: Puurunen Riikka <...>
Subject: VPHA brief communication / Baltic ALD poster abstract, final check

Dear VPHA contributors,

The poster abstract to the Baltic ALD conference has been updated for affiliations and acknowledgements. Please find attached the abstract for final check.

Tuesday 22 January 2019

VPHA brief communication / new (postponed) DL 25.1. for poster action item

Brief VPHA communication sent to 76 contributors copied below.  

From: Puurunen Riikka <>
Sent: 22. tammikuuta 2019 11:07
To: info ... vph-ald.com
Cc: Puurunen Riikka
Subject: VPHA brief communication / new (postponed) DL 25.1. for poster action item
Importance: High

Dear current VPHA contributors,

For your information: as we anticipated - see VPHA status update 17.1.2019 - the abstract submission deadline for the Baltic ALD conference has been postponed. The new extended deadline is Jan 31, 2019, see https://www.eurocvd-balticald2019.lu/. We are grateful for this extension.

Thank you to the several people who responded within the original DL (20.1.): sent information of new affiliation, proposed new theses to the list, commented that the abstract contents are ok, and confirmed authorship or will to be just acknowledged. Notes of updates to come are show in real time here <link removed>.

With the extended submission deadline, we can agree a new internal deadline related to updating info for the poster abstract. We can agree that author - and thesis! - information that comes in by Jan 25 can be accounted for in the abstract. Information sent in later than that can still be accounted for in the poster itself.

Thursday 17 January 2019

VPHA status update 17.1.2019

From: Puurunen Riikka >>
Sent: 17. tammikuuta 2019 19:45
Subject: FW: VPHA status update 17.1.2019 / brief action item DL 20.1., please
Importance: High

Dear prospective VPHA contributors,

Best wishes for 2019!

The VPHA status update below was just submitted to all VPHA contributors <attachment and hyperlinks removed>.

As you can read, we are planning to activate VPHA in 2019 again. We will start with poster presentations related to the doctoral thesis list gathered.

New contributors are welcome to join the VPHA activities. You are most welcome to join, and you can ask your ALD-informed colleague to join, too.

Best regards,
Riikka Puurunen, voluntary VPHA coordinator
Riikka Puurunen, Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology
Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
Visiting address: Kemistintie 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland <>
Mail address: P.O. Box 16100, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
Tel: <>, email:
<>, LinkedIn, @rlpuu

Friday 4 January 2019

VPHA ALD doctoral thesis list to be completed to the status of end of 2018

In VPHA, we have in the past years been building a list of doctoral theses related to atomic layer deposition (ALD). The list currently contains already over 350 entries - nice draft illustration of the contents of the unfinished list below - thanks Felix Mattelaer for this!

It would be great, of course, if we could have a complete list - the whole research field of ALD would greatly benefit. There are certainly many theses missing from the list still - likely at least from China, Japan, Korea, and likely many other countries, too. We have set it as a goal to finalize the list in VPHA to the status at the end of year 2018, the year Suntola and ALD received the Millennium Technology Prize.

To complete the list, we welcome everyone to check if the list is complete and propose additions.

New article on ALD for catalyst preparation in press, preprint available

First article related to catalyst preparation by atomic layer deposition (ALD) originating from my work as a professor at Aalto University has just been accepted for publication in Topics in Catalysis, special issue on the 18th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis. I have used ChemRXiv for sharing the preprint, so everyone can access the unformatted article already. Link: https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.7204847.v2.

Why to share information of an accepted article / preprint in ALD History Blog? It is because the Introduction of the article is historically valuable. Namely, it contains original references to both "molecular layering" related and "atomic layer epitaxy" related early ALD works on catalysis. As - to the knowledge of the undersigned - none of the existing reviews written on ALD for catalyst preparation adequately describes and cite the early works, the two passages in the Introduction including the cite references become valuable as a "microreview" on the area. Worth spreading word about.

Riikka Puurunen, Espoo, Finland, January 4, 2019

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust