Friday 30 September 2016

VPHA communication: JVSTA manuscript submitted 30.9.2016

The email below was sent to 73 VPHA co-authors (of them, 62 are co-authors of the JVSTA manuscript, 11 thanked in acknowledgements). 
From: Puurunen Riikka
Sent: 30. syyskuuta 2016 19:24
To: info@ <space added>
Cc: Sundqvist Jonas; Puurunen Riikka <email changed to name>
Subject: VPHA JVSTA manuscript submitted 30.9.2016

Dear all,

This short email is just to confirm that the manuscript VPHA has been submitted to JVSTA. I expect all 62 co-authors to get an automatic acknowledgement from JVSTA later (I had to enter each co-author manually in the system…). Submission confirmation here:

VPHA communication: JVSTA manuscript to be submitted today

The email below was sent to 73 VPHA co-authors, before submitting the manuscript to the journal (in the meantime, it has been submitted). Of the VPHA co-authors, 62 chose to be co-authors of the current manuscript and 11 chose to be thanked in the Acknowledgements.   
From: Puurunen Riikka
Sent: 30. syyskuuta 2016 9:34
To: info@ <space added>
Cc: Puurunen Riikka; Sundqvist Jonas <email changed to name>
Subject: VPHA JVSTA manuscript to be submitted today

Dear VPHA co-authors,

VPHA’s first joint journal article manuscript has now been finalized and I am about to submit it to the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (JVSTA). Thank you for all who gave comments in the final check (DL 29.9.). Several minor improvements were still made in this last revision round.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

VPHA communication: JVSTA manuscript final check / DL 29.9.

The email below was sent to 73 VPHA co-authors.  
Dear VPHA co-authors,

We are now at the last stage of finalizing the VPHA manuscript to JVSTA.

Sunday 25 September 2016

VPHA communication JVSTA art.: 2nd commenting round has ended

The email below was sent to 73 VPHA co-authors.
Dear VPHA co-authors,

The commenting of VPHA’s JVSTA manuscript, 2nd version, has now ended (DL was September 24). Thank you to those who answered VPHA-JVSTA-comments2-part1query and those who made suggestions for improvement in the VPHA-JVSTA-comments2-part2text file. Thank you also to those who provided new comments in the ALD-history-evolving-file.

Below, you find significant information regarding:
  • JVSTA article next steps (goal: submit by Sept 30)
  • JVSTA article co-author list (12 persons still to confirm)

Sunday 18 September 2016

VPHA correspondence: JVSTA manuscript for commenting (2nd round), DL 24.9.2016

The email below was sent to 72 VPHA co-authors. 
Dear VPHA co-authors,

Please find attached the current version of the VPHA manuscript based on the ALD 2016 poster (“recommended reading list”), to be submitted to JVSTA. The manuscript is sent to you as a pdf file.

The manuscript is hereby sent for co-author’s review and commenting. All comments are welcome at this point. Please note, though, that sometimes comments from different people give opposing views, and that not all suggestions can always be included. We ask all contributors for their understanding regarding the different views. Please provide your comments no later than Saturday, September 24, 2016.

Baltic ALD 2016 St. Petersburg invited speaker list

The invited speaker list of Baltic ALD 2016 in St. Petersburg has been updated and is as follows (titles of the talks at the conference website
  • Riikka L. Puurunen, VTT Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Espoo, Finland
  • Erwin Kessels, Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology,
  • Mikko Ritala, Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Tobias Törndahl, Solid State Electronics, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Emma Salmi, Beneq Oy, Finland
  • Viktor Drozd, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
  • Viktor Luchinin, St Petersburg Electrotechnical University ”LETI”, Russia
  • Andrey Markeev, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
Screen capture from the conference website
My invited talk---abstract here---is likely to be the last organizational presentation from VPHA.

Friday 9 September 2016

VPHA correspondence: JVSTA manuscript with expanded co-author list

The email below was sent to 72 VPHA co-authors. 
Dear VPHA co-authors,

The first commenting round of our JVSTA manuscript has ended. Thank you for all who gave comments upon it in the shared file <link removed>.

Regarding the next steps, there will be a major change coming in the next manuscript version, of which I would like to inform everyone with this email. The major change is that all co-authors of the ALD-history-evolving-file will by default be included as co-authors of the JVSTA manuscript. One can opt out from the author list of course if one wishes to do so, and be thanked in Acknowledgements. This requires action from everyone: please read carefully this whole e-mail, and especially the paragraph in blue at the bottom.