Tuesday 18 June 2019

Email communication to EuroCVD-BalticALD poster coauthors, 2

The message below was sent to 76 co-authors.  

From: Puurunen Riikka <...>
Sent: tiistai 18. kesäkuuta 2019 14.08
To: info@ ...vph-ald.com
Subject: Updated version of VPHA EuroCVD-BalticALD poster

Dear EuroCVD-BalticALD co-authors,

The poster has been updated with several missing theses (also some from Japan!), removing several duplicate theses, adding missing translated titles, correcting many typos of all sorts, updating the figures, and re-ordering the thesis list (year + alphabetical).
Many changes you can see in the commented GDocs file sent in the earlier message, TEMP-june2019_poster-text-for-commenting.  

Attached you find the current version, for the very last check before it to print (tomorrow morning?). 
·       This is primarily for checking the potentially remaining typos; there should no longer be a need to make changes to the text.
·       Even if some theses would be noticed to be missing, no new theses will be any more added to this poster. Info of missing theses will be entered in the VPHA files http://vph-ald.com/VPHAopenfiles.html, and will be updated for future works.

If you notice typos still, please let me know, I will try to correct before printing. Information comes in tonight, will in any case be accounted for.

Thank you for everyone for collaboration, and especially to those who sent in info during the past days and responded quickly to my queries and requests!

Best regards,
Riikka Puurunen, voluntary VPHA coordinator
Riikka Puurunen, Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology
Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
Visiting address: Kemistintie 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland, room: E412
Mail address: P.O. Box 16100, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
Tel: +..., email:
..., LinkedIn, @rlpuu

From: Puurunen Riikka <...>
Sent: perjantai 14. kesäkuuta 2019 19.33
info@ vph-ald.com
Subject: VPHA EuroCVD-BalticALD poster DRAFT for commenting / DL 17.6., please

Dear EuroCVD-BalticALD co-authors,

A draft of the VPHA poster to the EuroCVD-BalticALD conference (https://www.eurocvd-balticald2019.lu/) is finally ready for viewing and commenting to all - please find a pdf attached. (My apologies that the poster draft comes so late – just on time, still, I believe.) Abstract related to this poster can be viewed in: http://vph-ald.com/VPHApublications/VPHA_poster-abstract_EuroCVDbalticALD-2019.pdf

The overall concept of the poster has been kept simple. The concept has been already checked by a few coauthors and I believe it should be acceptable by all.

My request to all coauthors: please have a look at the details, especially on the thesis list details. Do you see mistakes there, in the names, years, or titles? Do you notice theses included multiple times; are some theses missing?
·       If you notice things that need to be changed/removed/added, please enter your comments in the Google docs file, where all comments are collected together. The file can be viewed and commented by anyone in the world: TEMP-june2019_poster-text-for-commenting (link only available via this email - <link removed>).  
·       (For your information, the following procedure: On the basis of the comments, changes will first be made to the doctoral thesis list linked on the VPHA website, http://vph-ald.com/VPHAopenfiles.html, which serves a source file for the poster. Information will from there be copy-pasted (through a *.csv file) into the next version of the poster.)

Changes to come, already known:
·       A tiny update will be made to the figures (number of theses has today changed, by one)
·       The English translations will need to be made to some German theses
·       Alphabetical order of the theses needs to be checked: they should be ordered (1) on basis of year and (2) on basis of author lastname (à now, the lastname-based ordering is not fully correct, I think).
·       Special characters in names need to be manually entered in the poster in the end (they disappeared in the *.csv copy-pasting procedure).

To give sufficient time for final polishing and printing the poster, please give your comments latest on Monday, 17.6, by 15:00 Dutch time (UTC+2h).

Best regards,
Riikka Puurunen, voluntary VPHA coordinator
Riikka Puurunen, Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology
Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
Visiting address: Kemistintie 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland, room: E412
Mail address: P.O. Box 16100, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
Tel: +..., email: .
.., LinkedIn, @rlpuu

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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