Wednesday, 3 February 2016

ALD thesis list is growing - which are missing?

An earlier post announced that in VPHA we are building a worldwide list of doctoral theses on ALD. The collection is made in a file called VPHA-ALD-thesis-list. We are also collecting links to the electronic thesis documents (when available), which makes the list especially valuable. Currently, the list contains 159 items from different countries. Twenty five (25) theses have already been added since the previous post on January 19. The detailed situation is shown per country in the histogram below.

My feeling is that tens of theses would be missing still. Estonia? Germany? Sweden? USA? ... It would be greatly appreciated if VPHA participants and other ALD scientists around the world would check the list and add missing items. To have a thesis added, please write the thesis info directly in the VPHA-thesis-to-be-added file; we will periodically check this and move added items to the full list. You find a link to it in the VPHA-ALD-thesis-list and also through the webpage

P.S. In the histogram, "Russia" contains also theses made in USSR/St. Petersburg.

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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