Monday 28 December 2015

VPHA ALD history review 1st co-author email

The message below was sent 18 December to 13 prospective co-authors of the scientific VPHA ALD History Review. Those potentially interested in co-authoring the review article but who did not receive the initial email, please contact me at no later than by the end of January 2016. Alternatively, you let us know of your interest through emailing info@

The ML essay indicated "to be published soon" has in the meantime been published (link).

Begin forwarded message:

From: Puurunen Riikka < >
Subject: ALD history review: questions DL Jan 10 + reminder on reading
Date: 18 Dec 2015 13:58:17 EET
Dear ALD history review co-authors,  
According to the information that I have, you have been interested in participating as authors in the writing of the general scientific review on the history of ALD, item #10 in the VPHA Publication Plan. Please correct if my information is wrong.
We are slowly starting the preparations towards the review. The review itself should be written during spring 2016. The current initial tentative list of co-authors for the review is (in alphabetical order): < 13 author names removed from the published email >. This list is likely to change in many ways, so please do not spread it yet, it is just for your own information. If you know people who are interested in participating as authors, they are welcome to do so and should contact me, preferably no later than January 2016.
The author list is very heterogeneous in nature, which is exactly as we wish, as we want to have many views incorporated in the review article. Of course, the heterogeneity of the authors will also bring along challenges. The writing will not be easy, but the result should be rewarding. When writing the review, please remember to carefully bear in mind the principles of "openness, respect, and trust".
·         We will need to define the scope so that all information is scientifically correct and double-checked, so that all authors can agree with all contents.
·         It will probably also be wise to limit the scope of the paper to the minimum that makes sense. We should be able to do this now, as the stories regarding the early days of ALE and ML have already been published (ALE) or are to be published soon (ML).
The first step towards the review is to define its scope. We will start by defining the questions to which the review should answer. For that, we are now collecting questions openly by everyone in a Google docs file called ALD-history-review-questions. You can find a link to the file in the VPHA page, In addition to questions, other contents can also be proposed. At the moment, deadline for the questions is January 10, 2016. 
I hope that all review co-authors will participate in the formulation of these questions. Please add your questions and other comments to the Google docs file with Google's "comment" function, or send them by email to me (or to info@, to be added to the file. Editing rights can also be granted to the file upon request. It is now good to propose many questions. Maybe not all will be treated in the manuscript, but when many people ask to see the same contents, that should be included. 
I would also like to note that all those who wish to be co-authors of the review article should actively participate in the on-going ALD history reading. This is because the comments created in the ALD-history-evolving-file will form the solid scientific basis of the review. A minimum of, say, 20 commented articles per regular review author is expected. A few persons who have had a significant role in the early developments of ALD (< 3 names removed > and perhaps a few others) can be excused of this "rule".
Have happy holidays and a prosperous new year! I will get back to the review authors in 2016.
Best regards,
P.S. Please check the list of ALD reviews,, and let me know if something is missing.  
Riikka Puurunen (Dr.), Senior Scientist, Microsystems and Nanoelectronics; Project Manager (IPMA C)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 3, Espoo (P.O. Box 1000), FI-02044 Espoo (VTT), Finland

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