Sunday 7 November 2021

ALD Russia 2021: VPHA presentation

On October 27-30, 2021, the ALD Russia 2021 workshop was organized (, chairperson: Prof. Anatolii Malygin). 

This was the third time that an event in this series was organized. The blog author (Puurunen) had the honor of attending the first event in Moscow 2015. From there, travel notes were published in the BALD Engineering blog here, and in and updated form (e.g. photos added) in the in-the-meantime-created ALD History Blog here.  

This time, the event was organized in a light hybrid way, enabling the giving and following of presentations via Zoom. This approach enabled some international guests to participate despite the Covid-19 pandemic. Among such visitors, was the author of this blog. Interestingly, many presentations have their slides shared on the website, see

As one of the Zoom-based talks, there was a presentation related to the Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA):
  • R. L. Puurunen, Yu. Koshtyal, J. Sundqvist, J. R. van Ommen, O. Yurkevich, Virtual Project on the History of ALD in perspective: past, present, and final steps (slides, video, abstract).
In the presentation, the message was shared that the core activity of VPHA, reading and writing short comments on early ALD works to share, will be activated again. Preliminarily planned timing is to start in November 2021. Everyone with interest in ALD and its history is welcome to join - contact info @ if you wish to join as a new contributor. More info to come!  

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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