Sunday, 21 November 2021

New Podcasts section in ALD OpenLearning site (Nov 20, 2021)

[post is a duplicate from the Catalysis Professor's Open blog by the same author:]

Yesterday (Nov 20, 2021), a new section was published in the OpenLearning site on atomic layer deposition  (ALD). The site is available at the OpenLearning platform of Aalto University, direct link (can be found by searching for "ALD" or "atomic layer deposition").

The Podcasts section contains each podcast (that the author of this blog and the author/curator of the ALD OpenLearning site currently is aware of) as a separate "page" (as in defined the Moodle platform). Currently, the following podcasts have their own page: ALD Stories by Beneq, Nanovation, STG podcasts, Suomalaisten Kemistien Seura (a Finnish society), People Behind the Science and ALD Pulse.

In each page, named according to the specific podcast, direct links have been included to ALD-related episodes, which were available at the time of opening the Podcasts section (Nov 20, 2021). Most podcasts are in English. One podcasts in Finnish has also been linked to, and in the future more links to podcasts in other languages than English can also be included. The episodes in English contain interviews of many ALD scientists, including such internationally known names like Dr. Tuomo Suntola (the Finnish inventor of ALD), Prof. Seán Barry, Prof. Stacey Bent, Prof. Erwin Kessels, Prof. Mikko Ritala, Dr. Jonas Sundqvist, Prof. Ruud van Ommen and Prof. Charles Winter (list in alphabetical order, except for Suntola). The author of this blog (Prof. Riikka Puurunen) also had the honor of being interviewed for the ALD Stories podcast by Beneq (related to the history of ALD).

If some podcast or episode is missing from the list, I will be happy to add it. Please let me know of missing items -- email to (replace with my info) should work well. Also, if someone would *not* like to have their podcast/episode included in this collection, it can be removed -- please in such case contact me as well.

Espoo, Finland, November 21, 2021

Riikka Puurunen

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

Thursday, 11 November 2021

2021 November Networking - ALD at Aalto University: registration now open

Continuing the successful events in 2019 and 2020,  "2021 November Networking -- ALD at Aalto University" event will be organized on Friday November 26, 2021.Place: in person at Kemistintie 1, Espoo (Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering) and, partly, remotely in a Zoom webinar.

Guest speakers at the event:
  • Prof. Ruud van Ommen, Delft University of Technology: “An ALD chapter in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology: both for beginners and experts”
  • Prof. Anatolii Malygin,St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology: “Molecular layering method - from the 20th to the 21st century”
  • Prof. Sean Barry, Carleton University: “Surface reactions: how do they work?”  
The talks can be followed remotely via Zoom; details  to be provided to registered participants.

Registration for in-person and remote online participation is now open at the event webpage: Deadline for remote online registration is Wed 24.11.2021. Welcome!

Best regards,
Espoo, November 11, 2021
Riikka Puurunen, event chairperson

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Res. pect, and Trust

Sunday, 7 November 2021

ALD Russia 2021: VPHA presentation

On October 27-30, 2021, the ALD Russia 2021 workshop was organized (, chairperson: Prof. Anatolii Malygin). 

This was the third time that an event in this series was organized. The blog author (Puurunen) had the honor of attending the first event in Moscow 2015. From there, travel notes were published in the BALD Engineering blog here, and in and updated form (e.g. photos added) in the in-the-meantime-created ALD History Blog here.  

This time, the event was organized in a light hybrid way, enabling the giving and following of presentations via Zoom. This approach enabled some international guests to participate despite the Covid-19 pandemic. Among such visitors, was the author of this blog. Interestingly, many presentations have their slides shared on the website, see

As one of the Zoom-based talks, there was a presentation related to the Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA):
  • R. L. Puurunen, Yu. Koshtyal, J. Sundqvist, J. R. van Ommen, O. Yurkevich, Virtual Project on the History of ALD in perspective: past, present, and final steps (slides, video, abstract).
In the presentation, the message was shared that the core activity of VPHA, reading and writing short comments on early ALD works to share, will be activated again. Preliminarily planned timing is to start in November 2021. Everyone with interest in ALD and its history is welcome to join - contact info @ if you wish to join as a new contributor. More info to come!  

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust