Thursday, 14 January 2016

VPHA status update email 2016-01-14

The status update below was sent to 42 co-authors and 33 prospective co-authors. 
Dear current and prospective VPHA co-authors,

VPHA progresses. A short status update again, with the following topics

  1. Questions for the ALD History Review
  2. VPHA reading, first priority: publications with no comments yet
  3. How to navigate in massive VPHA files
  4. Other recent ALD History Blog posts
Best regards,
Riikka Puurunen, voluntary VPHA coordinator
Riikka Puurunen (Dr.), Senior Scientist, Microsystems and Nanoelectronics; Project Manager (IPMA C)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 3, Espoo (P.O. Box 1000), FI-02044 Espoo (VTT), Finland

Questions for the ALD History Review

Thank you for those who gave questions for the ALD History Review (#10 in by the deadline given, Jan 10: Henrik Pedersen, Ruud Van Ommen, Oksana Yurkevich, and Anatoly Malygin (and myself of course, too). I will somehow organize and promote discussion on these questions in the days/weeks to come - I will come back to this.

In the meantime, collecting questions and other proposals for the contents of the ALD History Review remains open, you find the link through (ALD-history-review-questions). I appreciate if many more will share their thoughts and questions here. Those who already gave questions, can of course add more items. Please do not touch the questions given by Jan 10, but add new items under the title “Questions and other proposals for content after January 10, 2016”.

Editing the Google file is easy, and everyone can add items with the “comment” function. Still, if you find this difficult, you can also email me your questions/other proposals.

VPHA reading, first priority: publications with no comments yet

Recently, I made separate lists of VPHA publications with 0, 1, 2, 3, and >3 comments. You can find these lists in the ALD History Blog:

The first priority for the next weeks is to get preferably all items away from the list of articles without any comments - there were 90 listed in When you look at the list, you see that most these articles are in Russian, so we definitely need help of the Russian-speaking colleagues for this task. There are also publications in Finnish, which I need to take care of with other Finnish-speaking colleagues, and also German for Jonas and others, and one Bulgarian publication.

Statistics on how many publications have 0-1-2-3-3+ comments were shared here: Hopefully, the next time I make the plot, the column for 0 comments will be much lower.  

How to navigate in massive VPHA files

ALD-history-evolving-file has at the moment 177 pages, and one can easily get lost there. Luckily, using the Search tool available in every browser, used with the unique VPHA publication codes, help one to navigate quickly.  

Other recent ALD History Blog posts

Post published since the previous VPHA status email:

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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