Thursday 10 November 2016

Cover letter JVSTA re-submission

The cover letter of the VPHA JVSTA manuscript re-submission (minor revision) was as follows.

--- copy of cover letter begins ---

Nashville, Tennessee, USA, November 9, 2016
Dear Editor of JVSTA,

Thank you for the referee comments and your decision “MINOR REVISION” (November 8, 2016) considering our manuscript <code removed> entitled  ”Recommended reading list of early publications on Atomic Layer Deposition—outcome of the Virtual Project on the History of ALD” by Ahvenniemi et al. (in total 62 co-authors).

Referee 1 finds the manuscript interesting and a step forward, agrees that the work should be published, and judges the quality of writing to be at a very high level (9/10). However, the referee finds the manuscript unsuitable for publication in JVSTA, because “the manuscript as written does not fulfil the expectations for a technical review article”. The referee makes many suggestions towards expanding the manuscript to a full technical review.

Referee 2 finds the manuscript novel (8/10), of the highest possible impact (10/10) and excellently written (10/10). Quoting the referee’s words: “The authors have a done a tremendous amount of work for this manuscript and I personally think the community will greatly appreciate that.” The referee suggest the publication basically as is, after the correction of a few minor typographical errors.

Regarding the comments of Referee 1: we thank the referee for his critical look. We agree with the referee that it would be beneficial to have a full scientific review article regarding the history of ALD. There are many scientific questions which could and should be critically considered in the future. However, the current manuscript is not that full scientific review: it is a start, and an important first step forward. Indeed, the Journal Editor himself finds the manuscript publishable in JVSTA. Quoting his words: “the goal of the article is not to be a critical review but recommend a set of publications and summarize its contents.” We as authors did not send the manuscript in as a critical review, but we left it open to the journal to decide, to which category it should best be placed (copy of cover letter of the submission here). We expect several scientific reviews to be published during the next years, which will exploit the information in general collected in the Virtual Project on the History of ALD and part of the information highlighted in the current manuscript. As a summary: we have not been able to make changes to the manuscript on the basis of the comments of Referee 1.

Regarding the comments of Referee 2:  we thank the referee for the general high appreciation of our manuscript and for pointing out the few typographical errors. The typos have been corrected in the revised version, as well as similar other typographical errors which we found in our own check (space missing between the number and degree sign of Celcius).

We hope that you consider publishing the current revised version of the manuscript in JVSTA.  Although this may not be the standard practice, we would highly appreciate it if you could allow the titles of the works to be published in the reference list, as we have provided in the manuscript. We believe that including the titles (which we have translated into English, when necessary) will increase the readability of the article by researchers of different backgrounds and thereby increase the general impact of the current work.

On the behalf of all co-authors,
Riikka Puurunen, corresponding author, VPHA voluntary coordinator
Riikka Puurunen (Dr.), Senior Scientist, Microsystems and Nanoelectronics; Project Manager (IPMA C)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 3, Espoo (P.O. Box 1000), FI-02044 Espoo (VTT), Finland
<email removed>, tel. <removed>,,

--- copy of cover letter ends ---

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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