Thursday 31 March 2016

VPHA status update 2016-03-31

 The status update below was sent to 52 co-authors and 30 prospective co-authors.
Dear VPHA co-authors and prospective co-authors,

This VPHA status update shares progress in the following topics. The previous VPHA update was dated 12.2.2016, earlier updates can be accessed here.

  • 1.       VPHA abstract to Ireland ALD 2016: a poster
  • 2.       VPHA reading status & preparing to Ireland ALD 2016
  • 3.       VPHA listed as a Collaboration in HERALD
  • 4.       Worldwide list: ALD theses
  • 5.       Worldwide list: reviews
  • 6.       Worldwide list: conferences
  • 7.       ALD terminology discussion
  • 8.       Other ALD History Blog posts

Best regards,
Riikka, the voluntary VPHA coordinator
Riikka Puurunen (Dr.), Senior Scientist, Microsystems and Nanoelectronics; Project Manager (IPMA C)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 3, Espoo (P.O. Box 1000), FI-02044 Espoo (VTT), Finland

1) VPHA abstract to Ireland ALD 2016: a poster

The VPHA abstract was sent to Ireland ALD 2014, as planned. At the last moment, some people joined and affiliations were checked. In the end, we were 51 authors from 15 countries. In the meantime, the decisions have come: the VPHA abstract was granted a POSTER. We are happy with this decision and start working towards finalizing the work.

The abstract text was the same as it has been in previous communications. For recapitulation, below you find the Title, Abstract and Acknowledgements. You can see the abstract information together with author list in the ALD History Blog post (the author list is so long that I have not copied it here).

On the early history of atomic layer deposition: most significant works and applications
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a technique that has been instrumental in enabling the semiconductor industry to maintain its adherence to Moore’s Law, and is becoming a game-changer in several other fields. A worldwide voluntary effort called “Virtual Project on the History of ALD” (VPHA), open for everyone with an ALD background to participate, was launched in summer 2013 to explore how the ALD concept was developed; which were the first ALD experiments; when, where, why and by whom they were made. Earlier VPHA outcomes were published at ALD 2014 (accessed through VPHA’s website; VPHA has made steady progress since then. Here we will present a conclusive recommended reading list of the most significant early ALD publications and briefly review the most important individual works and applications.

Acknowledgements: We are grateful for Dr. Tuomo Suntola’s general support during the VPHA and for Dr. Aziz Abdulagatov’s and Annina Titoff’s assistance in initiating it. The VPHA would not have been possible without the recent advances in professional social networking and cloud computing. RLP acknowledges partial funding from the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Atomic Layer Deposition. The author list is intentionally in alphabetical order.

2) VPHA reading status & preparing to Ireland ALD 2016

To make the poster presentation to Ireland ALD 2016, we need to:

  • 1.       take care that the list of early ALD publications is complete (as complete as possible),
  • 2.       have each publication commented by minimum one person, preferably three persons, and
  • 3.       create a  “conclusive recommended reading list of the most significant early ALD publications”

Regarding #1: It is possible that the list is still not complete, some additions have been made in the recent weeks. It is good to keep viewing the list with critical eye, to be able to spot missing items.

Regarding #2: The reading work has now been roughly 40% completed. Before one can evaluate which are the most significant publications (for #3), we need to have descriptions of the publications; the core work of VPHA, the reading & commenting, needs to be completed first.
·        To help the reading to proceed, I have gone through the publications listed, and created separate lists of those with zero, one, two, and three(plus) comments. You can find them from the next links.
·        Especially those persons fluent in Russian: please look at the list with zero comments and pick a few for you to read. The lists contain also publications in Finnish, German, Bulgarian, and of course English.
·       To help the reading to proceed, what is probably needed is that we divide the remaining publications with the VPHA participants. It is likely that we will send for example five publications per person to read & comment. I will come back to this during the next weeks. 

Regarding #3: How to create the “list of most significant early ALD publications”? VPHA is all about openness and respecting everyone’s view. We are thinking of some simple open voting system. We will test the ideas with a few people first and then come back to everyone. We need to start planning this soon, so that everyone will have plenty of time for voting.

Related ALD History Blog posts:

3) VPHA listed as a Collaboration in HERALD  website

In the HERALD website, it is possible to list Collaborations, to make activities visible. The HERALD pages have been used for sharing information about VPHA and many HERALD participants are active in VPHA, so we decided to list VPHA as a collaboration in HERALD. A Working Group had to be chosen for it. After some thinking, I ended up placing it under WP2 (precursors and processes). Some time ago, I updated the participant list so that all VPHA co-authors who have a profile page in, should now be connected to the VPHA Collaboration. If people make new profiles for themselves, please add VPHA to your profile yourself.

Related ALD History Blog posts:

4) Worldwide list: ALD theses

The list of ALD theses (PhD-equivalent and “professor’s thesis) are growing; at the time of writing this update, we have 278 PhD-equivalent theses entered in the file called VPHA-ALD-thesis-list. Still, it is clear that we don’t have all works included yet. I am sure that there are theses missing from countries such as Belgium, Germany, and Japan, and most likely other countries, too. If you see missing items, please write the missing information directly here (a file called VPHA-thesis-to-be-added). I have organized the entries in a blog post per country, so it should be easy to check if yours and your colleague’s theses are there. (A few theses have been added since creating the posts.)

Links to ALD History Blog posts:

5) Wordlwide lists: ALD reviews

A list has called VPHA-ALD-reviews been created of ALD reviews/books/book chapters/etc, link here. At the moment, it contains 179 entries. If you notice missing items, please write the info directly in the “sister entry file” called VPHA-reviews-to-be-added, link here

Related ALD History Blog posts:

6) Worldwide lists: ALD conferences

We are also starting to build a worldwide list of ALD conferences. An early version of the list was made in the ALD History Blog, page, and it has now moved into a separate Google spreadsheet called VPHA-ALD-conference-list (thank you Oksana for making the move!). If you notice missing information please add directly to the file called VPHA-conference-to-be-added. You find links to both files in the same page as all VPHA working files, Information is still missing e.g. on

  • ·         Early Soviet ML symposia
  • ·          “Hilovo” conference series
  • ·         … and probably others, too. (Japan? China?) 

Related ALD History Blog post:

7) ALD terminology discussion

The latest entry in the ALD terminology discussion is “ligand exchange reaction”. You can find the discussion thread in the LinkedIn ALD – Atomic Layer Deposition group, here. Thank you for those who already shared their views. More people can still participate in the discussion.

Related ALD History Blog posts:

8) Other ALD History Blog posts
 Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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