Thursday 17 December 2015

VPHA status update email 2015-12-17

The VPHA email update was sent to 39 co-authors and 31 prospective co-authors: 
Dear current and prospective VPHA co-authors,

It is time for this year’s the last update regarding the Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA). Please find below updates on six topics:
1.    ML essay
2.    Wikipedia update
3.    Recent ALD History Blog posts
4.    VPHA in numbers
5.    Personal invitations to join the ALD history reading
6.    History of ALD terminology 

Significant progress has taken place in VPHA this year. When many small individual contributions are summed up together, the result can be very significant. Thank you for everyone’s contributions, may it be big or small!

With this electronic card by VTT, I want to wish you happy holidays and a prosperous 2016:  

Best regards,
Riikka Puurunen, voluntary coordinator of VPHA
Riikka Puurunen (Dr.), Senior Scientist, Microsystems and Nanoelectronics; Project Manager (IPMA C)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 3, Espoo (P.O. Box 1000), FI-02044 Espoo (VTT), Finland

1 Molecular Layering essay

At the time of writing this message, the Molecular Layering essay has not yet been published  in Chemical Vapor Deposition. The latest information that I have is that it should come out this year still. We are waiting for this with great interest!

·         Essay by A. A. Malygin, V. E. Drozd, A. A. Malkov, V. M. Smirnov, "From V. B. Aleskovskii’s "Framework" Hypothesis to the Method of Molecular Layering/Atomic Layer Deposition", Chemical Vapor Deposition, in press (2015)

2 Wikipedia update

The effort to update Wikipedia has started, Jonas Sundqvist and Angel Yanguas-Gil are leading it (emails: jonas.sundqvist@ and ayg@ To collect thoughts together on what needs to be done, a preliminary collaborative co-editing file has been created:
WikiALD-update-WIP, link
·         in Google docs
·         Everyone can comment
·         Editing rights can be granted to all who participate in the ALD Wipedia Update task in the ALD Wipedia 

Twitter is good for fast discussions. To be able to find back discussions related to the Wikipedia update, a new hashtag has been created: #WikiALD. Feel free to follow & participate.

Good news related to the Wikipedia update is that the Finnish inventor of ALD, Tuomo Suntola, has confirmed his interest to participate in the Wikipedia update, at least by checking details related to himself. Suntola has an own dedicated Wikipedia page (link), which at the moment does not mention ALD directly (!). Updating this page could be a starting point for the updates. We could also think whether there is a need to create wikipedia pages for Aleskovskii and Koltsov. If we will start building these pages, we wish that the colleagues of Aleskovskii and Koltsov would participate building those pages. Namely, at least the page of Aleskovskii should not be just about ML-ALD, as he has been active in many other fields, too (Aleskovskii has been the rector of two universities, for example).

3 Recent ALD History Blog posts

Since the previous VPHA update 7.12., four posts have been published in the ALD History Blog:

4 VPHA in numbers

Numbers as of 17.12.2015
·         co-authors in ALD-history-evolving-file: 39
·         countries of the co-authors: 11
·         articles listed: 347
·         comments given: 375
·         comments needed: 685

The graph below shows how the key numbers have evolved within the last months. Some progress is taking place, while obviously we need to accelerate the work somehow to get it done by summer 2016 (preferably earlier). We will get back to this with the “management group” early in 2016, thinking how the remaining reading could be distributed more effectively.

5 Personal invitations to join the ALD history reading

Preparing for the final effort to complete the VPHA in 2016, it is good once more to spread information about VPHA, to get all possible volunteers to contribute in it, now when it is still possible. We have sent some personal invitations already, and we plan on sending more. All VPHA participants are of course welcome to spread the message and invite their colleagues. Below is a description of the current state of VPHA that can be attached to an invitation by email.

--- BEGIN: info for personal invitations to VPHA, December 2015 ---

The Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) is ongoing since summer 2013 and has already created several significant publications --- please see the list at the end of this message.

The final effort to finish VPHA in summer/fall 2016 has begun. There are still three major outcomes to come from VPHA:  
·         Create a presentation to ALD 2016 in Ireland (Item #9 in the VPHA Publication Plan).
First abstract draft sent to co-authors for commenting.
·         Write a review article on the early history of Atomic Layer Deposition (Item #10 in the VPHA Publication Plan).
Questions formulation activity on-going in
ALD-history-review-questions, DL Jan 10, 2016.
·         Update ALD-related pages in Wikipedia (Item #11 in the VPHA Publication Plan).
Planning on-going in WikiALD-update-WIP.

VPHA is a worldwide “virtual project”, based on volunteer activity of people with some ALD background. All three future outcomes build upon the core VPHA activity, namely the reading of early ALD literature up to 1986, writing own summaries of the texts, and sharing those summaries openly with others in the ALD-history-evolving-file. Everyone is free to join this core reading activity, and participate in one or more of the future outcomes. When author lists are made (items #9 and #10), they will be alphabetical.

At the moment, 39 people from 11 countries have volunteered to join the core VPHA activity the image below shows the distribution per country of the current VPHA co-authors. We have listed 347 ALD publications up to 1986 and written 367 comments on them (see ALD-history-evolving-file). To have a balanced view, each publication summarized by at least three people, which gives >1000 comments comments. By now, about 30% of this core VPHA work has been completed.

To get the work done, we welcome and call for more voluntary participants from all over the world. Would you be interested in joining, we warmly welcome you on board. Please indicate your interest in a return email, and we will add you to the email list for future updates (email communications are sent with addresses in bcc field, to avoid excessive reply-to-all emails). Participating in VPHA should be rather self-explanatory, as  described in the VPHA-reading-workflow and in two recent organizational presentations (link1, link2).  

Realized VPHA ALD History publications, as listed in VPHA Publication Plan (v3, April 2015, 2015)
1.    Poster at Baltic ALD 2014 (abstract)
2.    Poster at ALD 2014, Kyoto
3.    Presentation at ALD 2014, Kyoto
4.    ALD history tutorial at ALD 2014, Kyoto
5.    Essay on the early history of ALE-ALD (CVD journal)
6.    Website for ALD history and VPHA (
7.    Exhibition: 40 years of ALD in Finland - Photos, Stories (FinALD40)      

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust,

--- END: info for personal invitations to VPHA, December 2015 ---

6 History of ALD terminology

Sometime in the future (early next year?) I plan to initiate discussion on the origin of ALD-specific terminology. Terms that I am interested are for example: Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD Window, Growth Rate, Growth Per Cycle, Half Reaction. When have the terms been adopted into use, who has created them, and why? If you have other terms in mind, whose origin you’d like to know, please let me (Riikka) know and I’ll include them in the list. (Many communication means work for this: email, LinkedIn, ALD History Blog discussion, Twitter …). I think that this discussion will be useful regarding e.g. the future ALD history review (#10 in the VPHA Publication Plan)


Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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