Friday 18 December 2015

Molecular Layering essay by Malygin et al. published

It is my great pleasure to inform that the essay by Malygin et al. has finally been published. This is Item #8 in the VPHA Publication Plan.


Abstract: This essay is dedicated to the history of creation and development of the molecular layering technique (ML) which, in the modern community of non-Russian scientists, is commonly referred to as atomic layer deposition (ALD). Basic research in the field of chemical transformations of solid surfaces using the ML method in the light of the “framework” hypothesis proposed by V. B. Aleskovskii in 1952 is discussed. A number of questions raised by international scientists including those involved in the Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA, 2013), and scientists from conferences in Helsinki (Finland, May 2014.), Kyoto (Japan, June 2014), and personal communications amongst peers are addressed. For the first time in English, this article provides information about V. B. Aleskovskii and S. I. Kol'tsov who are closely associated with development of the ML technique in the Soviet Union. This paper also informs the scientific community about research groups currently engaged in ML research in Russia and introduces the scientific school of “Chemistry of highly organized substances”, founded and supervised by V. B. Aleskovskii. 

Title:  From V. B. Aleskovskii's “Framework” Hypothesis to the Method of Molecular Layering/Atomic Layer Deposition
Authors: Anatolii A. Malygin, Victor E. Drozd, Anatolii A. Malkov, Vladimir M. Smirnov
Reference: Chemical Vapor Deposition 21 (2015) 216-240.

Link to full-size graphical abstract

"Additional information: The authors express their deep gratitude to all the colleagues who initiated the writing of this review, particularly R. Puurunen and A. Abdulagatov. Special thanks to A. Abdulagatov for his valuable suggestions that helped strengthen the content of this article. The topic suggestions that have been sent to us by our colleagues from different countries have allowed us to more clearly define the structure and content of this article and we have tried our best to cover them all in detail. Great thanks to Puurunen Riikka (Finland), Sundqvist Jonas (Sweden), Pedersen Henrik (Sweden), Koshtyal Yury (Russia), van Ommen, J. Ruud, (the Netherlands). We would like to acknowledge the Russian science Foundation for partial financial support (contract No. 14-13-00597)."

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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