A list of scientific reviews (including books) on ALD is now under construction as a separate page in the ALD History Blog: http://aldhistory.blogspot.fi/p/list-of-reviews.html.
This initial list, started December 3, 2015, contains the list of reviews collected for my (Puurunen's) review articles in J. Appl. Phys. 2005 and 2013, with some items added for years 2012 on.
There are surely many missing. When you notice missing items that should be added, you can leave a note in the Comment field below with the info to be added, or send me the missing info by email, firstname.lastname@vtt.fi.
Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust
Thanks, Jonas, for sharing this: http://baldengineering.blogspot.fi/2015/12/ald-history-blog-list-of-ald-reviews.html