Friday, 11 December 2015

VPHA's ALD History Review begins with formulation of questions (DL Jan 10)

In VPHA, we have started to prepare for the general scientific review on the history of ALD, Item #10 in the VPHA Publication Plan. The first step towards the review is that we will collect questions to which the review should answer, and other suggestions regarding the review. All current and potential future VPHA co-authors are welcome to participate in this questions-forming activity.

A Google Docs file called ALD-history-review-questions has been oped to collect together the questions/suggestions by different people. In addition to the direct link to ALD-history-review-questions. You can also find it through the VPHA website page

"History repeats itself," they say. In VPHA, we collected questions a year ago, too. Then, they were related to the ML-ALD essay/review (Item #8 in the Publication Plan), which is now any day about to be published in the CVD journal. Those questions can still be found here.

We plan to keep the ALD-history-review-questions file open for adding suggestions until January 10, 2016. Everyone can view the file and add comments to it. Those active VPHA participants, who make many suggestions, can have editing rights to the file. Those without editing rights making your first suggestions, please add your questions through Google's commenting function. If you leave a comment, please remember to leave your name, as anonymous comments will be deleted.

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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