Sunday 25 September 2016

VPHA communication JVSTA art.: 2nd commenting round has ended

The email below was sent to 73 VPHA co-authors.
Dear VPHA co-authors,

The commenting of VPHA’s JVSTA manuscript, 2nd version, has now ended (DL was September 24). Thank you to those who answered VPHA-JVSTA-comments2-part1query and those who made suggestions for improvement in the VPHA-JVSTA-comments2-part2text file. Thank you also to those who provided new comments in the ALD-history-evolving-file.

Below, you find significant information regarding:
  • JVSTA article next steps (goal: submit by Sept 30)
  • JVSTA article co-author list (12 persons still to confirm)

 Best regards,
Riikka Puurunen, VPHA coordinator
Riikka Puurunen (Dr.), Senior Scientist, Microsystems and Nanoelectronics; Project Manager (IPMA C)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 3, Espoo (P.O. Box 1000), FI-02044 Espoo (VTT), Finland

JVSTA article next steps
The next steps are as follows:
*The core organizational group of VPHA (Henrik, Jonas, Oksana, Riikka, Ruud, Yury) will create the third and final version of the manuscript. We hope that this will be ready on Tue Sept 27 or Wed Sept 28.
*We will send the 3rd manuscript version for all co-authors for acceptance.
*Two days will be given for this final checking round. The email will come with the “Action needed” note.
*Please send your acceptance by email to info@
*In case no response is received, we will interpret this as “OK as is”.
*When you get to see the manuscript the 3rd time:
*All co-authors should double-check the appearance of their names and affiliations. Missing initials, special characters, etc, can be added.
*There is no place for major suggestions for change anymore as all such suggestions should have been provided in the 2nd revision, as requested in the communication.
*New references can no longer be added. (References would need to be re-numbered by hand.)
*The goal is that after the 3rd revision round, we will be able to submit the manuscript to Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, preferably on Friday Sept 30, before the Baltic ALD 2016 conference in St. Petersburg starts on Oct 2.

JVSTA article co-author list

One major task in this 2nd commenting round has been to generate the alphabetically-ordered co-author list. Of the 73 current VPHA contributors, at the time of writing this communication, 54 have confirmed their authorship, 7 have opted out from the author list, and 12 are still unconfirmed.

Regarding the persons who have not yet confirmed their authorship:

  • We will re-send a personalized email to those who did not confirm the authorship yet, asking for confirmation.  
  • In case we are unable to contact the persons, we will place the names in the Acknowledgements section. This is because a person who has not confirmed authorship will also not be able to take the responsibility required of an author.

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