Monday 16 May 2016

VPHA status update 2016-05-16

 The status update below was sent to 63 co-authors and 30 prospective co-authors.
Dear VPHA co-authors and prospective co-authors,

VPHA has progressed significantly during the past weeks. Here, you find an update on the following topics:

  1. VPHA reading progress – Next check June 8
  2. VPHA voting for conclusive recommended reading list, ALD 2016 poster: DL June 15
  3. VPHA ALD History Review reminder
  4. VPHA organisational poster at Helsinki ALDCoE/HERALD workshop
  5. A comment without name in ALD-history-evolving-file
  6. ALD-history-evolving-file how-to: Please preferably copy-paste instead of writing in the file directly
  7. Other ALD History blog posts 
The previous update was sent on April 29th; you can access earlier updates collectively in this link.

Best regards,
Riikka Puurunen, VPHA coordinator

Riikka Puurunen (Dr.), Senior Scientist, Microsystems and Nanoelectronics; Project Manager (IPMA C)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 3, Espoo (P.O. Box 1000), FI-02044 Espoo (VTT), Finland

VPHA reading progresses – next check June 8

VPHA reading has progressed well during the last weeks. Thank you for all volunteers for reading and providing comments!

On May 14th, I made an overview of the progress in the ALD History Blog: Status as copied from the post (the post contains more info):

  • At this moment, the total completion status is 53%. The crossover point, where the #comments received became larger than #comments needed, corresponding to >50% reading completion status, was on May 10, 2016.  
  • The current number of co-authors is 63. Co-authors come from 18 countries in three continents: Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.
  • Work is not finished; for example, there still 59 publications in the ALD-history-evolving-file without any comments.
A sign of quick progress is that at the time of writing this update on Monday, May 16th, the total completion status is already 55% and there are 39 publications without comments.

Within the next days, we will again distribute papers for reading for the VPHA participants, with priority to get at least one comment for each publication. The next major check will be made after June 8. It is preferred that everyone will provide their comments in the ALD-history-evolving-file by that date. This is not a strict deadline, however, as the ALD-history-evolving-file file will remain open for new comments that.

VPHA voting for conclusive recommended reading list, ALD 2016 poster: DL June 15

Finally, we have come up with a way how the VPHA participants can collaboratively create the "conclusive recommended reading list of early ALD publications" for the poster presentation at ALD 2016 conference in Ireland. On May 11, the voting was announced for the "early adopters" to test; with this update, voting is opened for all VPHA participants.

Voting is done through three files, all openly accessible, links can be found through, under the heading "VPHA voting for ALD 2016 poster". These files are:

The file VPHA-voting-instructions describes how the voting is in practice done. The "rules" and "how-to" are presented below, too.  

VPHA voting rules related to VPHA-voting-file
  1. Each VPHA co-author may vote
    • If you want to vote but are not yet a VPHA co-author, please first become a co-author by leaving at least one comment in ALD-history-evolving-file.
  2. Each VPHA co-author can distribute up to 20 points to early ALD publications. One can also use less than 20 points.
  3. One can give up to three (3) points to each publication. Thus, one can also give two (2) or one (1) point to each publication.
  4. To decide the result, the publications will be ordered on the basis points received.
  5. The top ranked publications will form the "conclusive recommended reading list" for the VPHA poster at ALD 2016 Ireland. (Whether it will be the Top-20 or Top-30 or something else, is to be decided later)
  6. Voting made with one's own name (thus not anonymously)
Voting is open until June 15, 2016. Until then, one can update and modify one's own vote.

Practical aspects: how to vote?
  • There are two ways to vote:
a.                                      Via email: All VPHA co-authors will receive by email a spreadsheet with a column with the article info and an empty column to add their name and vote
b.                                      Via the VPHA-voting-ENTRY-file, open to view and edit by anyone
  • Label a voting column with _your name_ and enter the number of points you wish to give to the rows of the publications (the codes work as unique identifiers)
Once completed, send email to either (a) with the filled spreadsheet attached or (b) with a note that you have entered your info VPHA-voting-ENTRY-file. We will copy-paste the info to VPHA-voting-file.

Related ALD History Blog posts:

VPHA ALD History Review reminder

The first---and so far the only---VPHA ALD History review (Item #10 in the VPHA Publication Plan) co-author email was sent on December 18, 2015. You can access the email here.

Active planning for review will start after finishing the ALD 2016 poster. Those who would like to participate as an author in the review, please remember that:
  • each ALD History review co-author should actively participate in the ALD history reading. The minimum number of comments expected is 20 for each co-author; many will probably provide more.
  • each ALD History review co-author should preferably participate in the voting for the conclusive recommended reading list.

Also please note that the ALD-history-review-questions file is still open for questions and proposals of contents related to the review.  

VPHA organisational poster at Helsinki ALDCoE/HERALD workshop

A draft copy of the organizational poster of VPHA, to be presented in the ALDCoE HERALD meeting in Helsinki, May 23-24, is attached.

All VPHA co-authors should find their name in the acknowledgements. If you notice a name missing, please let me know asap. The goal is to send the poster to print on Tuesday, May 17, at 14:00 Finnish time.

Once finished, a copy will be uploaded on the VPHA website to access through

A comment without name in ALD-history-evolving-file

Each comment in the ALD-history-evolving-file should have a name attached. Sometimes, people accidentally forget to leave their name; such cases have already occasionally been corrected.

Here is one comment, where we don't know who the author is. Does anyone recognize one' own comment? Please inform us through info@ if you recognize your own comment.
{Tsvetkova1982} en ru
  • In this work the
        molecular layering has been used to study the sealing effect of TiO2
        coating on sodium borosilicate glass surfaces with the varying composition
        of Na2O and B2O3. Details of molecular layering process has not been
        given, but refereed to the Kol'tsov's 1969 work. The deposition has been
        done on the glass particles with the specific surface area of 0.5 m2/g.
        The sealing effect of TiO2 coating, as a function of number of TiO2
        layers, has been studied by measuring the leached Na+ ions into the water.
        The paper provides valuable information about the effect of the glass
        substrate chemical composition on initial growth characteristics of ML
        TiO2. The observation was that the most rapid deposition occurs for
        low-alkali glass samples. The importance of this is seen as a sealing of
        the low-alkali glass substrate surface already after 4 to 6 TiO2 layers,
        which is shown as a gradual decrease of Na+ ions leached into the water.

ALD-history-evolving-file how-to: Please preferably copy-paste instead of writing in the file directly

It has happened a few times (with more than one contributor), that to  "accept" one comment in the ALD-history-evolving-file, we have to click "ok" many times (>10). I believe that this happens when write their comment directly in the file, instead of writing it in another document, and copy-pasting to ALD-history-evolving-file. Numerous clicks can be a bit frustrating (and time-consuming) to make. Please, preferably, formulate your comment in another file, and then copy-paste it to the ALD-history-evolving-file.

Other ALD History Blog posts

The following posts have been published since the previous VPHA update:

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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