Friday, 27 November 2015

Statistics after one month of the ALD History Blog

It is now about a month since this blog (http// was publicly announced (Oct 28, related post). In the short time, the blog has evolved in many ways, including getting an own logo. The blog has found its early audience.

In this post, I want to share with you information on the statistics behind the blog: where do the readers come from geographically, what are the sources linking to the blog, and what are the most popular blog topics. I can share all this information thanks to the excellent statistics that Blogger automatically collects.

The next image shows an overview of the statistics from during the previous month. The total number of pageviews has been slightly more than 1000 on a month's time. The number of views per day varies; new posts attract most visitors. The highest number of views, 189 per day on November 20, came on the day when the blog's Twitter companion was created.

Overview of the viewing statistics of the ALD History Blog for the last month (Oct 29 - Nov 27). 

The next image shows an overview of the pageviews from different countries within the last month. Most views come from Finland --- understandably --- and after that from United States, Germany, Russia and France. Also Estonia, Portugal, Canada, Sweden, and Belgium belong to the top-10 viewers.

Pageviews by top-10 countries of the ALD History Blog during last month (Oct 29 - Nov 27)

The next image shows the most popular topics of the ALD History Blog. It is clear that the travel reports that I have written have interested many. This is valuable feedback and will motivate me to write late travel notes from other conferences where there have been VPHA presentations. 

Most popular posts of the ALD History Blog during the last month (Oct 29 - Nov 27). 

From Blogger statistics it is clear that the largest traffic to the site comes from Twitter and LinkedIn. In Twitter, I was first sharing the ALD History Blog posts through my own account (@rlpuu), and since November 20, through the dedicated ALD History Blog account (@aldhistoryblog).  In LinkedIn, almost all posts are shared in the ALD History group selected ones through the main ALD - Atomic Layer Deposition group; sometimes other channels are used, too. Other notable sources of traffic are the VPHA website page and the BALD Engineering blog.

I have been positively surprised by the amount of attention that the blog has received already during its first month. It is this attention that makes writing this blog worthwhile. Thank you to all readers of the blog!

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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