Thursday 19 November 2015

VPHA status update 2015-11-18

This status update email below was sent on 18.11.2015 to all VPHA co-authors (38) and registered prospective co-authors (26). 

Would you would like to join the VPHA as a volunteer and as a prospective co-author receive these emails, please send an email to info@


Dear VPHA co-authors and prospective co-authors,

Things related to the Virtual Project on the History of ALD have proceeded during the previous weeks. Please find below updates regarding:

1.    Status of the ML essay
2.    Travel report from St Petersburg
3.    ALD History blog posts
4.    VPHA in numbers
5.    General scientific ALD history review
6.    Sponsoring of Open Access for the ML essay

With best regards,
Riikka Puurunen, the voluntary VPHA coordinator
Riikka Puurunen (Dr.), Senior Scientist, Microsystems and Nanoelectronics; Project Manager (IPMA C)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 3, Espoo (P.O. Box 1000), FI-02044 Espoo (VTT), Finland

Status of the ML Essay

To my understanding, the ML essay (item #8 in the VPHA Publication Plan) is scheduled for the next --- and last ? --- issue of Chemical Vapor Deposition. I have seen the proofs, and I know (as I knew in advance, of course), that the essay is very valuable step forward in describing the evolution of ML-ALD in the English language. Unlike I said in a previous email, it has been agreed with the first author, Prof Malygin, that the accepted manuscript is not generally sent around to the VPHA co-authors. We will all see the final publication when it appears.

Travel report from to St. Petersburg

I (Riikka) got invited to give a “state-of-art ALD” talk at the “flexible electronics / gibkaya elektronika” conference at ElectroTechnical University (ETU), Nov. 12-13, 2015. The trip was interesting in many ways. I could also meet Profs Drozd and Malygin, both of whom are authors of the ML essay and co-authors in the VPHA. You can view the travel report with some photos at:

ALD History blog posts

A few blog posts have been published in the meantime in the ALD History blog. These are copied here for your reference (I just copy-paste from the ALD History blog archive, as it is so easy):

VPHA in numbers

Current numbers:
·         Articles listed: 347
·         Comments given: 366
·         Comments needed: 694

The VPHA core activity, the reading, proceeds slowly - this is evident if you compare to the earlier numbers. I am one of the “guilty” ones who has not been creating new comments lately. My excuse is that the last months, I have proceeded the VPHA in other ways. I will get back to reading papers at some point again.

It is obvious that we have to get the reading somehow activated from the coordination point of view, too. Once we have some new practices planned, we’ll let you know. In the meantime, those individuals who are ready to actively search for things to read, can do it easily via the VPHA-reading-overview file (linked in

General scientific ALD history review

Once the ML essay has been published, it is time think of the general scientific review (#10 in the Publication Plan, should it be written and if yes, what should be written in it. The core reading work has to be mostly done before we really start the review work. Those who wish to participate in writing this review, should of course actively participate completing the core this reading & commenting work.

Sponsoring of the Open Access option of the ML essay

To maximize the impact of the ML essay, it is best, if it can have the Open Access status. This will give everyone free access to it - not just scientists at institutions who subscribe to CVD journal, but also scientists at other institutions, and also non-scientists. The Open Access fee is rather significant, 3000 USD, and impossible at the current moment for the authors/their organizations to pay for this. Because this work is so unique and valuable, we have tried within VPHA to help the authors and find sponsors cover the Open Access fee. So far, we have two companies ready to sponsor - one from USA, one from Finland - and this covers 2000 USD are covered. Two thirds of the sum, thus. We still need 1000 USD worth sponsoring.

We will continue to look for sponsor companies. If you know some company who would be willing to participate, preferably with 1000 USD, please let us know.

Perhaps another option could be to make smaller individual contributions, 100 USD (VAT excluded) each. This would allow also private people to participate, too - I could perhaps be ready to sponsor this way myself. How these smaller contributions would be paid to the publisher, remains a question to be solved still.

Would some companies / private people from the VPHA co-authors and prospective co-authors be interested in sponsoring, please let us know. If it seems that we will get more sponsoring than needed, it will be a “first come, first serve” basis. Company sponsoring would have a priority over private person sponsoring with small sums. The basic assumption is that the names of the sponsoring parties will be announced in a note added to the publication - please indicate if you’d like this or not in your response.

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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