Friday 2 December 2016

VPHA correspondence: JVSTA article proofs corrections

 The email below was sent to 76 recipients.
From: Puurunen Riikka
Sent: 2. joulukuuta 2016 13:46
To: info@
Cc: Puurunen Riikka; Sundqvist Jonas
Subject: JVSTA VPHA article proofs corrections - pls respond ASAP (DL Sat 18:00 TUC + 2h)
Importance: High
Dear VPHA contributors,
I am happy to tell you that we are so far that we have received the proofs of the JVSTA article have arrived. Please find attached the proofs as well as the instructions received by AIP for correcting the proofs and the copyedited manuscript. 
Some notes of major progress which has occurred since the submitted version:
  • The editorial staff has placed our manuscript in the category of “review articles”. (We have let the journal decide what is the correct category of the article, see the Cover Letter here.)
  • The titles of the cited articles are included in English, as we have requested (translated by the VPHA group, when necessary).  
  • The article will be published with Open Access (Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 licence).
Regarding checking the proofs: The author query form (1st page of the proof) details the questions to be checked. Please read them through, and give me input when you identify items where you can help.
  • AQ1: Please, all: check your name and affiliation are correctly spelled.
  • (AQ: ok)
  • AQ3: Maria Berdova, Anjana Devi, Shih-Hui Jen: please provide city name and postal code (I guess the city name in the university name needs to be repeated)
  • AQ4: postal codes needed in the address: Victor Drozd, Gloria Gottardi, Dennis Hausmann, Jaana Kanervo (Åbo Akademi address), Abdelkader Mennad, Fabien Piallat,
  • AQ5: city name needed: Markku Leskelä/Georgi Popov, Timo Sajavaara
  • (AQ6 I will deal with – Outi Krause and Ruud van Ommen can check)
  • (AQ7-9: I will deal with)
  • AQ10-a: Malygin, Malkov: what is the city the publisher “Nauka” was located in 1967?
  • AQ10-b: help welcome: publisher location of SID?
  • AQ11: Malygin, Malkov: Does the Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Ref. 42) has a volume number?
  • AQ12: here, especially, I would appreciate help. Can we find some of the requested DOIs? Ref. 3 should be easy, but the others will be difficult. Could a few persons volunteer to find if the DOIs can be found?
  • Additional: The names of three current VPHA contributors are missing from the Acknowledgements, as they have joined after submission of the paper. I will ask to add the names Ivan Bodalyov, Aris Goulas and Timo Weckman in Acknowledgement (updating the date from September 27 to the time of submission of the proofs, too).
The Proofs will have to be returned as soon as possible. Please send your possible inputs either today (Friday, Dec 2) or latest tomorrow (Saturday, Dec 3, by 18:00 Finnish time, UTC + 2 h), as I believe that I will need to submit the proofs latest on Sunday. I will keep track of the needs and inputs received in the VPHA-author-info-update file, tab “authors JVSTA”, Column H.  Everyone’s rapid help with checking the proofs is appreciated.
Best regards,
Riikka Puurunen, VPHA coordinator
Riikka Puurunen (Dr.), Senior Scientist, Microsystems and Nanoelectronics; Project Manager (IPMA C)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 3, Espoo (P.O. Box 1000), FI-02044 Espoo (VTT), Finland
-----Original Message-----
From: <removed>
Sent: 30. marraskuuta 2016 17:29
To: Puurunen Riikka
Subject: Request to review and approve the proof of your manuscript for publication for JVA
Dear Author:
We are pleased to inform you that a proof of the following manuscript is now available for your review and approval:
Journal: J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A
Please click on <link removed> to download your proof. Also, please save this e-mail for access to the proof site where you will upload your PDF.
AIP Publishing

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