Friday 12 February 2016

VPHA status update 2016-02-12

The status update below was sent to 49 co-authors and 32 prospective co-authors.
Dear VPHA co-authors and prospective co-authors,

In this VPHA status update, you find information on the following items:

  1. VPHA abstract to ALD 2016 conference (new DL: Feb 17)
  2. ALD thesis list - 183 entries, and many missing
  3. Wikimedia Commons ALD collection
  4. Wikipedia updates #WikiALD
  5. VPHA in numbers
  6. Other ALD History Blog posts

Best regards,
Riikka Puurunen, VPHA coordinator

Riikka Puurunen (Dr.), Senior Scientist, Microsystems and Nanoelectronics; Project Manager (IPMA C)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 3, Espoo (P.O. Box 1000), FI-02044 Espoo (VTT), Finland

VPHA abstract to Ireland ALD 2016 conference (new DL: Feb 17)

The abstract DL of the Ireland ALD 2016 conference has been postponed by a week, to Feb 21. We are at the moment with 49 co-authors in the abstract (Item #9 in the VPHA Publication Plan). I know that there are people who would like to join still - you are warmly welcome to do so. Now that the abstract has been finalized and I am familiar with the submission system, we can make the new VPHA-internal DL as February 17.

Related ALD History Blog posts

The abstract was sent to the abstract co-authors already in its final form. Below, it is for everyone’s information.

  • (Title) On the early history of atomic layer deposition: most significant works and applications
  • <abstract text removed from the version published in ALD History Blog>
  • Acknowledgements: We are grateful for Dr. Tuomo Suntola’s general support during the VPHA and for Dr. Aziz Abdulagatov’s and Annina Titoff’s assistance in initiating it. The VPHA would not have been possible without the recent advances in professional social networking and cloud computing. RLP acknowledges partial funding from the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Atomic Layer Deposition. The author list is intentionally in alphabetical order.

ALD thesis list - 183 entries, and many missing

For a while now, we have been building a worldwide list of doctoral theses on ALD.  At the moment of writing this update, the collection contains 183 PhD-equivalent theses from 10 countries. The numbers per country are shown below. I have also included in the list some countries, where no theses are listed at the moment, and where I am 99% sure that theses have been made so that the number should be non-zero.

If all VPHA co-authors would check the number of theses made in their countries, and enter the missing information directly in the VPHA-thesis-to-be-added file which everyone can edit, that would be greatly appreciated. You can find a direct link here, and you can also find the link through the webpage. We will use this list in the VPHA ALD History Review to come.

South Korea
The Netherlands

Related ALD History Blog post:

Wikimedia Commons ALD collection

To enable the updating of Wikipedia in an efficient way in many languages, we have started to use Wikimedia Commons for uploading images. The situation now is that Wikipedia contains information e.g. about ALD in many languages (as described in an earlier ALD History Blog post). The descriptions are quite different, and often use their own, specific figures. Figures can be uploaded in Wikipedia, or in Wikimedia Commons. The advantage of Wikimedia Commons is that images uploaded to there once, can be used in Wikipedia of all languages. The disadvantage of uploading directly to Wikipedia is that, to use one picture in many languages, you have to upload it to all Wikipedia’s of different languages.   

I am not sure how clear I could say it, but anyway, we use Wikimedia Commons now, because of its simplicity and elegance. Here is the link to the ALD collection - there is not much contents yet, I hope it will grow in the future: Anyone is free to upload images there (following the strict copyright guidelines of Wikimedia, of course - you have to own the rights to upload). Please remember to add the “atomic layer deposition” category to your images.

Related ALD History Blog posts:

Wikipedia updates #WikiALD

The English pages of Wikipedia have received some much needed updates.

We can also create pointers to the Russian scientists Aleskovskii and Koltsov, if there are some preferably Russian colleagues, who would like to build personal wikipedia pages for them. If you’d like to participate in this, please contact Jonas Sundqvist and Angel Yanguals-Gil.  

Related ALD History Blog posts

VPHA in numbers

We have in VPHA as of February 12, 2016:
  • 49 co-authors from
  • 14 countries
  • 352 ALD publications listed for up to 1986
  • 453 VPHA comments written on them
  • 628 comments still to write, according to the bookkeeping of VPHA.
  • 82 historical ALD publications, which have so far received zero comments.

January 21, we had 423 comments written, so there is positive progress taking place. A lot of course still to do. More people are warmly welcome to join this the voluntary reading effort - please read a few papers and invite your colleagues to join the reading, too!

Related ALD History Blog posts:

Other ALD History Blog posts

Posts published after the previous VPHA update, not yet referred to in this update:

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

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