On Monday May 22nd, I visited Riika (Riga), Latvia, giving an invited talk at an event called "ALD nanotechnology: advances, prospects and applications" organized within the framework of the HERALD COST action MP1402 (http://www.european-ald.net/). The programme of the event, as provided by the organizers in advance, is copied at the end of this post.
My presentation was entitled "On the history and future of ALD: VPHA, conformality analysis, mechanisms". The presentation explained the Virtual Project on the History of ALD (more volunteers are still welcome); introduced the PillarHall ALD conformality test structures developed at VTT (with a modelling example, too!) where we welcome more proof-of-concept partners; and pointed out the existing different views and a need to understand better the "model ALD process" trimethylaluminium-water. The presentation was dedicated to the memory of Mr. Sven Lindfors (1945-2017). At the end, I called for support letters to nominate Suntola and ALD for the Millennium Technology Prize 2018 (more to come on this in another post later).
The presentation slides can be viewed in SlideShare. Additionally, Aalto University uses a tool called Panopto, with I tried, and with which I very easily could record my talk for later reference. A tool to be used in the future, too! The Panopto record can be viewed here.
Espoo, Finland, May 25, 2017
Riikka Puurunen
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Front page of my invited presentation, Riika (Riga), Latvia, May 22, 2017. The slides are available through SlideShare and a record through Panopto cloud. We were stressed by the organizers that the HERALD logo needs to be in the front page - luckily I had it there already. |
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I dedicated my presentation to the memory of Mr. Sven Lindfors, pioneer of ALD reactors. Left photo by Magnus Löfving, used in the presentation with permission of the photographer. The photographer of the reactor photo is unknown. @rlpuu in Twitter. |
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Conclusion slide (should have been 2/2...): calling for support letters to nominate Suntola and ALD for Millennium Technology Prize 2018. |
View from the air on Riika, Latvia, May 22, 2017. Photo by Riikka Puurunen. |
View from the air on Helsinki, Finland, May 22, 2017. Photo by Riikka Puurunen. |
PillarHall webpage as of May 25, 2017. http://pillarhall.com. |
Programme of the event (as shared by the organizers in advance via email)
May 22-23, 2017
Academic Center forNatural Sciences of the University
of Latvia, Jelgavas street 1
May 22
Registration, Coffee break
chair Prof. Donats Erts
-11:10 Opening
-11.50 Dr. Olivier
Salicio, The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
‘ALD and PEALD for microelectronic
11:50.-12.30 Dr. Igor Iatsunskyi, Adam
Myckevich University, Poland
‘1-d, 2-d and 3-d nanostructures fabricated
by ALD: properties and application’
12:30-13.30 LUNCH
Section chair Dr.
Igor Iatsunskyi,
13:30 -14:10 Prof. Riikka Puurunen, Aalto University/VTT,
Espoo, Finland
on the history and future of ALD: VPHA and conformality analysis’
– 15:00 Matthias
Minjauw, University of Ghent, Belgium
‘In Situ Characterization during Atomic
Layer Deposition’
– 15:30 Coffee break
chair Dr. Igor Iatsunskyi,
– 16:10 Dr. Roman
Viter, University of Latvia,
‘Correlation between optical and structure
properties of ZnO/Al2O3 nanolaminates’
23 May
09:30 – 10:00 Coffee break
Section chair Dr.
Olivier Salicio
10:00 – 10:40 Dr.
Kaupo Kukli, University of Tartu ,
atomic layer deposition towards magnetoelectronics’
10:40 – 11:05 Dr. Andris Sutka, Riga
Technical University, Latvia
charge detection by nanowire colloids’
11:05-11.30 Coffee break
Section chair Dr.
Olivier Salicio
11:30-11:55 Dr. Jana
Andzane, University of Latvia, Latvia
Deposition and characterization of nanostructured Bi2Se3 thin films
11:55 – 12:35 Prof.
Markku Leskelä, University of
Helsinki , Finland
Process Development: Solutions to Industrial Challenges’
12:35-13:40 LUNCH
Section chair Dr.
Roman Viter
13:40-14:05 Dr. Juris Prikulis,
University of Latvia, Latvia
Deposition of nanoparticle arrays using ultra-thin porous anodic alumina templates
Deposition of nanoparticle arrays using ultra-thin porous anodic alumina templates
14:05-14:30 Kwanele Kunene, Durban
University of Technology, South Africa
‘Photoelectrochemical detection of
bisphenol using ZnO nanorods’
Andrejs Ogurcovs, University of Daugavpils, Latvia
Electrochemical processes on
micro-nanostructured electrodes ZnO, CuO with different morphology
– 15:20 Margarita Baitimirova, University of Latvia, Latvia
‘Tuning of Structural and Optical
Properties of Graphene/ZnO Nanolaminates’
– 15:45 Viktoria Fedorenko, University of Montpellier
‘Structure and optical properties of ZnO
deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on Si nanopillars, formed by sphere
15:45-16:30 Conclusions, Cofee break
Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust
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